UFO…Contact from the Pleiades takes the reader back to a time before home computers, digital photography and easily accessible photo enhancement programs. Yet the evidence—analyzed in laboratories around the world—could not be easily dismissed and supported the claims of the contactee, Billy Meier.
Check out this great video
with Jimmy Church
Host George Noory
Tell me your story
With host Kat Kanavos
A Discussion with Brit Elders
UFOs & Billy Meier Case Documentary film. Listen anytime at https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2024-06-26-show/
One Of The MOST Important and Suppressed UFO and Alien Cases In Human History
With host Mike Vara- Watch it at https://rumble.com/v56qtb1-contact-from-the-pleiades.html
I had the absolute pleasure of an uplifting discussion with Whitley Strieber on his Dreamland podcast.
But you might want to join his subscription site for the full interview. https://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/deep-dive-into-the-pleiadian-contacts-with-the-greatest-investigator-of-them-all/
Host Matt Barone
Host Tom Valone
Billy Meier: Most Famous UFO Contactee Case of All Time
With Brit Elders, Investigative Researcher & CEO ShirleyMcLaine.com
UFO Investigator Reveals Mind-Blowing Secrets of the Billy Meier Case
Host Michael Ford
Host Liane Curtis
This interview was refreshing because it was conducted by a student interested in astronomy and the topic of UFO's . It's good to have the youth expressing their curiosity. Listen anytime at https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/149696/ufo-contact-from-the-pleiades
Listen on any of the follow programs.
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-dangerously/id1716077784
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3zff0CxvEE80XaYlfFDTo5?si=sxOe8499SQ-MMjZLAVsl6Q
Podcast Index: https://podcastindex.org/podcast/6661014
Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/c90536bc-e148-4a2d-8d2b-bcdbb3492ba3/episodes/17cdc6d3-482e-47f6-8c8a-8e6a4db45635/creating-dangerously-interview-with-brit-elders
RSS.com: https://rss.com/podcasts/creating-dangerously/1496661/
In case you missed it! Watch it on Facebook here.
In case you missed it, watch Off World link podcast anytime!
Read the whole magazine article at https://canvasrebel.com/meet-brit-elders/
Read the magazine article at https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/ufo-contact-from-the-pleiades/
Coast to Coast radio show 20 years ago with Art Bell